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We are dwelling in the epoch of technology where we employ computer systems in our daily life managing a particular job. Information processing systems are practiced in every discipline of life like office, dwelling house and especially in education computers have given out the record. By utilizing the latest technology, our education system is improving the creative ability of pupils.
Technology refers to techniques, methods, systems, and devices which are the outcome of scientific knowledge being applied for virtual purposes.
Richard Rhodes defines technology as:
Technology is the application of science, engineering and industrial organization to create a human-built world.
"Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits."
Here we are using two terms, one is ‘technology’ and the second is ‘education’. Then we conclude two phrases:
·         Technology Education
·         Educational Technology

Technology Education:
Technology Education is the study of technology in which students read about technology as an educational area of content. It includes many fields of studies like Computer Science, in which we receive tons of varieties of technology. Students are learning different types of technologies in their respected field of subjects. Technology Education is designed to teach students to be ready for a number of technology science-connected fields and to learn about technology within specific areas of work. This character of instruction is purely concept base. Teachers cover topics related to technology processes, concepts, and knowledge. The best thing about technological education is that students learn best by practice. It improves the creative power and problem-solving skills which are really significant. Technology Education has become an all-important constituent in this epoch because nowadays progress of every nation depends on applied science. The nation that has more advanced and more powerful technology is the most powerful state. With the subject of Computer Science, we study technology like Web Technology, Robot Technology, Space, Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Information Technology, etc. Let us discuss two of the important technologies.
Ø Information Technology
The type of technology in which we receive information from different electronic devices is information technology. IT (Information Technology) is related to networking, thousands or millions of computers linked with each other by some wired or wireless source in such a manner that they can transmit and share data with each other, and this is we called a mesh. IT delivers a larger scope in different fields of life, students discover different types of IT courses like CCNA, etc. Because it is not available in degree courses. There are different types of networks, some of the basics are:
·         LAN (Local Area Network)
It is a type of network in small numbers of computers linked by some wired source in a dwelling, residence, agency, and so on This is limited type of network and can’t be used widely due to its small range.
·         WAN (Wide Area Network)
This character of network connects a small act of computer networks over a big -scale geographical area larger than local area network and metropolitan area network. The banking organization is an instance of a WAN.
·         MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)
In this character of network small computer network like LAN are connected over a large geographical area. It spreads over a larger arena than a LAN, but smaller than a WAN.
School network in a city is an example of a MAN.

             We use different protocols like TCP/IP, HTTP, UDP, FTP, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc. In a networking system.

Ø Artificial Intelligence
The coming future is grounded on artificial intelligence (AI). The study done by humans will be done by robots. They will recognize the human's feature. AI is established along the cognitive behavior of man. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an area of computer science that stresses the foundation of thinking cars that act upon and react like humans. Some of the activities computers with AI are designed to include:
·         Speech Recognition
·         Face Recognition
·         Learning
·         Planning
·         Problem Solving
·         Perception
 Artificial Intelligence aims to produce intelligent machines that can behave like humans, act like humans, think like humans, carry and move objects like humans. Machine learning is a gist piece of artificial intelligence and before making an intelligent machine in that respect should be knowledge of engineering and machine learning. Because in building a robot or machine every connectivity must be perfect, every pattern of input and output streams must be properly identified otherwise it will not function right. Implementing and initiating common sense, problem-solving and logical thinking abilities in machines are quite hard to project. After making a physical machine, there should be some soul in it and it is software/programs and these are made by a set of instructions written in a programming language. They require mathematical analysis of machine learning algorithm and their functioning is a well-defined branch of theoretical computer science often referred to as computational learning theory.

Educational Technology:
Educational technology uses hardware devices as well as some online resource to spread knowledge among students. It lets in the honorable practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, applying and managing appropriate technological processes and resources. We have discussed the Technology, Education, so we carry out the technology in the dispersion of cognition.
Technologies used in Education:
Accompanying some of the principal technologies can be applied in educational technology:
Ø  Computers, tablets, mobile phones: these devices are really helpful in acquiring instruction. Students can get an education with online courses by sitting at one place. They can follow online tutorials for the sake of knowledge.
Ø  Artificial Intelligence (AI): as AI, enhanced the modern era, then it is really helpful in acquiring instruction. It has also been widely adopted in classrooms. One prominent class of AI-enhanced technology is ITSs (Intelligent Tutoring Systems), it is planned to supply quick and personalized feedback to students. This system demonstrates that individual tutoring is much more effective than group instruction.
Ø  Information technology using this type of technology, teachers can teach and communicate students by web conferencing or video calls. This technology produces a virtual classroom for pupils. The instructor and pupils sit at one position and communicate through internet services.


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